Thursday, December 26, 2019

Expanding My Horizons

I get a lot of flack from my family, that I put too much time and effort into drawings and paintings that are of my current obsessions.  Yes, the majority of my art consists of drawings and paintings related to Twilight, Robert Pattinson, The Who, The Beatles and my most recent obsession...Oasis.
I'm not apologizing though.  I love what I love and I very much enjoy creating art depicting these things.  However, for Christmas, I created a painting of my son and his girlfriend Nikki.  There were a few failed runs, but I am very happy with the final product.
Nikki & Jake in ink and watercolors.

See...I can draw and paint other things besides Oasis. LOL

I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas!!!!

Monday, December 23, 2019

Ink and Watercolor Paintings

Lately, I have been experimenting with ink and watercolor.  I lay the drawing down in ink and then go over it in watercolors.  I was afraid the ink would be too much, but I think the watercolors balance it out quite nicely.  Once I got going, I was really cranking them out yesterday.  These will be going up in my Etsy shop soon! :)

Noel Gallagher - Oasis

Liam Gallagher - Oasis

Robert Pattinson

Noel Gallagher - Oasis

Claire and Jamie Fraser - Outlander

Saturday, December 21, 2019

My Liam Gallagher Painting Posted by Official Oasis Twitter!!!