Saturday, February 5, 2022

My Latest Work! Noel Gallagher & Sara MacDonald

Sadly, I have not had much time for art since Thanksgiving.  This is the first piece I've finished since November 30th!  Every weekend has been super busy with family stuff, and me working on my new art studio.  So I am so pleased to have finally finished something!

Here is a 9x12 graphite drawing of Noel Gallagher and his beautiful wife Sara MacDonald.

I love this picture of Noel & Sara!

Coming soon....before and after pictures of my brand new home art studio!

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Practice Makes....Improvement

As an artist, sometimes I love to take a drawing that
 I did a long time ago and redo it.  
Here are some examples.




Saturday, December 4, 2021

Story of an Artist

I've been thinking lately about my journey as an artist and where it all started.


“Being artistic or creative is associated with the personality trait of being open to experiences,” Garrison says. “Some research suggests that there are neurobiological foundations for creative individuals. Based on all available information, it is very likely that the capacity for creativity is shaped by genetic influences –– it’s a complicated way of saying that creativity and artistic interests can almost certainly be inherited.”   Source

So there you have it.  I get my artistic talent from my mom.  She did some drawing and painting, and she inspired me to want to draw as well. I really started drawing in high school. Here's a picture of me in my high school art class.  I did double-period art for junior and senior years because I loved it so much.  And my art teacher, Mr. Mikas, was such a super cool guy!  He really tried to get us to think creatively and see the world from an artist's eyes.

Me during art class in HS - Junior Year

My first drawings in high school were of the Beatles.  I did some graphite, pencil, and marker drawings.  Not the worst, but I definitely needed to hone my craft!
John & Yoko
This is one of my drawings from high school.

Fast forward 20 years.  I kind of forgot about drawing for some time.  I was too busy finishing college, student teaching, teaching (those first years are extra brutal!), getting married, and having kids.  So drawing was the furthest thing from my mind.  Then as my kids got a little older, I started getting back into drawing a little bit during my summer breaks.
Drawing of Edward & Bella circa 2009

A few years later, around 2015, I had a family situation (that's a LONG story) that created an opportunity to basically do a drawing almost every single day.  Art was my therapy and helped me get through some really tough times.  This is when I began to gain more confidence as an artist.  
Slowly my skills as an artist began to improve, although I didn't see it at the time.  When I look back at art over that period of time as a whole body of work, I see the progress.   I look back at my Deviant Art gallery, and I see it.  My gallery is from most recent to oldest.  So if I go to the bottom of the gallery and scroll up, I can really see the changes.







These are just a sample or two from each year since 2015.  
To see all of my art to date, please check out my Deviant Art page! 

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

VintageFangirlArt NEW Website!!!

 I've been working really hard on getting my website up and running.  Everything you need to know about VintageFangirlArt is there.  So if you are interested in my original art, commissions, as well as my Etsy and RedBubble shop, check it out!

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Digital Art

 I've been experimenting with digital art using Photoshop Elements recently.

Here are some of my newest digital creations.

Click on the picture for purchase options on my Redbubble shop.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Expanding My Horizons

I get a lot of flack from my family, that I put too much time and effort into drawings and paintings that are of my current obsessions.  Yes, the majority of my art consists of drawings and paintings related to Twilight, Robert Pattinson, The Who, The Beatles and my most recent obsession...Oasis.
I'm not apologizing though.  I love what I love and I very much enjoy creating art depicting these things.  However, for Christmas, I created a painting of my son and his girlfriend Nikki.  There were a few failed runs, but I am very happy with the final product.
Nikki & Jake in ink and watercolors.

See...I can draw and paint other things besides Oasis. LOL

I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas!!!!

Monday, December 23, 2019

Ink and Watercolor Paintings

Lately, I have been experimenting with ink and watercolor.  I lay the drawing down in ink and then go over it in watercolors.  I was afraid the ink would be too much, but I think the watercolors balance it out quite nicely.  Once I got going, I was really cranking them out yesterday.  These will be going up in my Etsy shop soon! :)

Noel Gallagher - Oasis

Liam Gallagher - Oasis

Robert Pattinson

Noel Gallagher - Oasis

Claire and Jamie Fraser - Outlander